Minister of Science and Chief Protector of the Faith

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Matt Drudge: "My Photoshopping Kung Fu is better than your Photoshopping Kung Fu!"

Matt Drudge: Imperialist Stooge

Drudge makes light of mourning Iraqi woman with resemblance to Bush
Mike Sheehan

The Drudge Report is highlighting a Reuters photo of a mourning Iraqi woman whose partially obscured face bears a slight resemblance to that of President Bush.

The blog "Confederate Yankee" was first to report on the curious resemblance in the Kareem Raheem photograph, which Drudge is now featuring with the caption "WIRE PHOTO MYSTERY: BUSH IN BURQA?" and an additional headline questioning whether the image has been altered, or "photoshopped." The woman, accompanied by two other grieving Iraqis, is standing behind what appears to be a coffin.

"Confederate Yankee" remarks that evidence for the alteration of the photo include "rather odd smudges and apparent artifacts around the heads of the two women on the left when the photo is enlarged" as well as the woman's "rather uncanny resemblance" to Bush.

Earlier this year, a Reuters photo by Adnan Hajj that had obvious changes in it triggered a wide reaction from bloggers. Raw Story

Funny that Drudge is complaining about photos being altered or "photoshopped." I remember when his handiwork was all the rage right before the debates.

Matt Drudge: Gayer than Little Richard's underpants



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