"Who wants Kool-Aid?"
Summary: The Liberty Film Festival, "a forum for conservative thought on film," recently awarded ABC Vice President Judith Tukich, a right-wing evangelical who has described her mission as "evangeliz[ing] the world ... through the media," the festival's "Freedom of Expression Award" for her role in assisting the production and promotion of The Path to 9/11. Media Matters
Tukich was the ABC executive in charge of producing The Path to 9/11, the factually challenged "docudrama" that was broadcast for two nights in September to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Tukich not only brought the program to the air but also helped mobilize right-wing groups to rebut criticism that it had fabricated stories and distorted events to smear the Clinton Administration from former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke, President Clinton and members of the 9/11 commission, among others. It was for her enterprise and tenacity that Tukich earned her award at the festival.
Accepting her prize before the assemblage of Republican consultants, conservative film producers and members of the far-right website Free Republic, Tukich radiated gratitude. "It was really my honor to work on such an important project," she chirped. I approached Tukich after the ceremony in the theater lobby and asked her if she thought it was appropriate for ABC to accept an award from an organization openly pushing an ideological conservative agenda inside Hollywood. After attempting to cover my voice recorder with her hand, she said, "ABC is a nonpartisan network." When I repeated my question, she replied, "You should really talk to our media relations department." The Nation
The Nation: Hooray for Right-Wing Hollywood
Media Matters: ABC VP presented with 'Freedom Of Expression Award' At Right-Wing Film Festival For Her Role In Pushing The Path To 9/11
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