Creepy Search Terms

Every now and then your counter reveals that someone has being using some rather creepy search terms ...

This is the offending search term...

I have already contacted the Hayley Mills Celebratory Complex. The only thing that we can do now is wait...
i knew you would fall into the Parent Trap....
Oh my. It is a bit unseemly Doctor.
{{{Not related to this post.}}}
Okay you win the prize for English this month, happy?
Tell me about it.
I despair at the some of the vile search words used in seeking out imagery of my beloved Hayley. I am repelled while at the same time intrigued that people would actively seek out such odd combinations of terms.
The most common search terms bringing people to the site: "Hayley Mills nude" and "Supergirl Tentacle porn".
When I'm President I'll be putting a stop to all those shenanigans by incarcerating all those who seek out lurid images of Hayley in Gitmo 2.
Oops sorry, that was me. I was looking for Haley mills and a cigarette butt. Yeah, that's it. Honest.
Mostly what people search to find my blog, all three people other than ya'll per day, is boring, but sometimes it's "naked pizza" and "husband faked feelings". I am so flattered as should you be here.
I get a lot of lookups for cat fights for one post I did a year or so ago about something of that nature.
Randal Graves: Search terms are a world unto themselves! YOu wouldn't believe what you find there.
Distributorcap: Hayley Mills is the ginchiest!
FranIAm: It is a sad day for mankind when your members are searching for pictures of Hayley Mills' bottom.
Liberality: Ack! I couldn't turn up a chance to make a joke about the president!
Sleestak: Yay! "Gitmo 2- The Sequel!" With hayley as a cornerstone of your administration, you can't go wrong!
Private Hudson: You foul beast! May you rot in your own filth, you gunky!
Freida Bee: Hmm... "Naked pizza" sounds pretty good! Two slices please!
DCup: Oh, if only I could. She is far too busy saving the country from the foul neocons to speak to me right now! Pelosi in '07!
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator: Rowr! Saucer of milk, table two!
dude, my search terms will put yours to shame....
I was looking did a search for "sex" "my little pony" "cosplay."
Did I get the wrong site?
I suspect that was really Sleestak both googling and oogling Ms Mills' hindquarters.
- mwb
I'm currently watching "The Trouble with Angles"
It is the most Scathingly Brilliant Movie!"
Where is my gravatar
Oh, there it is... Nevermind.
My the way, the Trouble with Angels scene when Sr. Lagouri dies always chokes me up.
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