Oh, No!

Ack! I have lost the election! Some Irishman that I've never heard of was the winner. (O'Bannen or O'Hara or something.) I guess that my status as a 'write-in candidate' should have tipped me off that there might be a problem of some sort...
I have no idea what I am going to with all of these drapes that I have bought! They're all measured and everything...
Yeah, I didn't win either.
Well, just wait 'til next year, right?
You gotta watch out for those black Irish!!
Oh, Dr. Zaius, I need a bromo too after looking at that pic.
You bought drapes?! Even I was smart enough not to buy drapes.
My condolences Dr. Perhaps the new administration will reach out to you in a gesture of good will.
Simian Supremacy is not going to be won at the ballot box. You'll have to manage that the old fashioned way.
You can try for it the next election cycle, if you want to run against that Irishman again that is!
oh, happy days are here again!
My dear it was quite a ride. Though I think I and my fembot assassins will go to California where our work is cut out for us.
It seems they don't believe in gay people in California.
Darn ... and I was so hoping you would win! I suggest you treat yourself to 2 pieces of chocolate cake!
do the drapes match the.... oh never mind :)
Dr. Z, I voted for you early and often!
Damn those Diebold machines!
Tengrain (your pal)
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator: Yeah! We'll show 'em!
Kulkuri: Yeah! And their freakin' Irish coffee too!
Dguzman: Burp! Oh, I feel much better now...
GETkristiLOVE: Ha! You can't be president without drapes, you know.
Bubs Yes! Maybe I can be a cabinet member! Or a toadie. I've always wanted to be a toadie... Or is that a roadie? I can never remember...
ThoughtCriminal: That's the ticket! I shall win over the American people by FORCE!
Liberality: Indeed. Things are looking up!
Germaine Gregarious: I am genuinely surprised by that vote on Prop 8. I blame all of that Moromon money!
BAC: **sigh** Chocolate cake heals all wounds...
Pidomon: Steady on. No need to get personal!
Kevin: Thank you for your support, Kevin!
Dr. Z, I voted for you early and often! I am going to have to get my own Diebold machines...
Swinebread: Ha! Yes, indeed. :o)
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