The Latest News From Wasilla, Alaska

For political reasons, I love the story about the mother of the soon to be husband of the daughter of Sarah Palin getting arrested on drug charges. But as much as I want to be snarky about it, I feel bad for the kids. Gov. Palin's daughter, Bristol, is due to give birth this weekend. This must be very embarassing for her. And as far as her fiance is concerned, it must be awful for him knowing that his mom might go to jail.
Great photo illustration.
Yeh; "awful." Totally awful.
Horrendously, catastrophically awe-awe-awful. But I feel bad for Governor Sarah Palin. Think how this makes her look-- as a mom and as a governess; and after that awful awful Governor in Illinois making all governors look even more awful.
Just awful.
A pardon for your mom makes a great
dowry. You have to understand however that this makes Palin's base love her even more. They read(?) this and think - They're just like us!
Trailer trash, total trailer trash.
Terrible, in an awful way. Now who will man the shotgun at the wedding?
Bristol's fake due date is this weekend. Her real due date is in about three weeks. Just sayin'
Do they yell "YEE HAW" up in Alaska? 'Cause that's what I'm thinking as I read this.
they reap what they sow
Hey, I showed up for the snarkiness.
Won't somebody please think of the children!?
There, somebody had to say it.
Hey Dr., Rudy the Red-TOed Reindeer stopped by my blog again this year! It's like one of those claymation Christmas specials! Stop by and say howdy.
Think of it this way---he gets REAL loser cred this way.
Is this the "real America" of which Sarah Palin speaks?
a-hyuk! Darn tootin'!
WendyB: Thanks, WendyB! :o)
Michael Hart: Ha! Well said, Mr. Hart.
ThoughtCriminal: Palin's base is getting 'baser' by the moment!
Zoey and Me: At least they have something to aspire to. ;o)
darkblack: Hmm... Perhaps we could arm one of the mooses?
Jess Wundrun: It makes you wonder she would even fake her due date. It's not like there is any secret any more...
Bubs: Hee hee! It is pretty funny.
JustJoeP: Indeed. And they seem to have harvested the lowest common denominator...
GETkristiLOVE: Ack! Everyone's a critic! :o)
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator: Which one? They have so many! I'll stop by and check it out.
Comrade Kevin: And you can take that to the bank!
Sue J: Ha! I guess. It does seem different than the Hallmark Cards, doesn't it?
TF: Hee hee!
As always, your photo-shop skills are without peer. It's also darned funny. But! I do want to set the record straight on one subject. Not all people who live in "trailers" are "trailer trash!" Many of my California relatives live in "mobile homes" because they couldn't begin to pay for a "real" house that cost three or more times as much. Now that the housing bubble has gone bust, maybe some of the people who lost their fancy places will be looking at trailers as an alternative.
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