The Zaius Nation Guide to Feeding Your Cat

I think that the best method for feeding your cat is to buy it in bulk, and then arrange it in your cabinet categorized by flavor. If you feed your cat each can sequentially, you know that you are feeding him or her a delicious treat that they haven't had for several days. This takes all of the guesswork out of which can to feed your cat next. Cat food problem solved!
Of course, one must first make a careful study of which kinds of food your cat likes to eat. This can only be accomplished by a painstaking process of trial and error, but I definitely think that the results are worth it. Here is the findings of my own detailed study of the eating habits of my cat, Captain Nemo:
Of course, one must first make a careful study of which kinds of food your cat likes to eat. This can only be accomplished by a painstaking process of trial and error, but I definitely think that the results are worth it. Here is the findings of my own detailed study of the eating habits of my cat, Captain Nemo:
My Cat's Favorite Foods: A Detailed Analysis
I always found that when we bought a case of the food they liked, they stopped liking it.
You're making me hungry Dr. Z. I'll just mix them all in with some fried plantains! Yummy!
So now you know why I dump a cup of kibble into the cat's food bowl and go away. They eat it or they don't eat, their choice. Thus far, they've eaten it :).
- Badtux the Not-cat-pandering Penguin
Dr Z, our family's vet was also a close friend, when we got our first cat back in the first Clinton Administration. She recommended Science Diet, which recently came out with a geriatric formula a few months ago. As our cat is almost 18, and Captain Nemo may be older as well, it may work well for you - and smell much better too. the geriatric ("elderly feline") formula appears to be easier for the cat to eat, digest, and dispose of as well.
Just fyi - JJP
Try Soylent Green. It's made out of your favorite herd animal.
Dr. Z -
No one believes me, but my late, lamented pygmy urban wolf Thurber used to reject food as if he were a cat. He could have used Nemo's excellent list of excuses.
That Fancy food makes a more expensive brand of tuna with greens and carrots. At .90 cents a can you can see why I can't stock up like your photo above. My cats won't even eat scraps from the table. They are known in our neighborhood as the Royal Ones. Hope you're feeling better!
I've found that if you don't feed them for a few days they will eat ANYTHING!!
Yes, even humans (if they are wounded or dead). They are still little lions and tigers at heart.
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