Pygmailion Revisited: How to put Lipstick on a Neoconservative Beauty Queen

Our story begins with John McCain's first meeting with his future VP choice...

John strikes a deal with Sarah to make her his vice president!

John teaches Sarah about his neoconservative values...

Time is short, and Sarah's big day arrives...

John's gamble pays off! Sarah is a big hit with the press...

Now it's on to the GOP convention!
I always thought of Eliza Doolittle as a sympathetic character until now.
Putting the "Pig" back into "Pygmalion"!
(I never get tired of that joke)
Are you saying she's unqualified? Just look at her in that dress!
That is positively brilliant! Very well done!
Next you can do the Wizard of Oz
Dorothy: you mean I had the power to break the glass ceiling all along? All I needed to do was remember that I have a va jay jay?
Glenda: That's right my dear!
(I can't decide whether you've ruined My Fair Lady for me or whether this is truly genius.
Ah, hell, I'll go for genius.)
Thank you for not putting Joe Lieberman in a dress!
She's going to need more than elocution lessons to get out of this mess.
funny stuff. I needed a good chuckle. Thanks. Well done&stuff.
CK - Good one! I issued a guffaw that startled a cat off its perch.
You have to admit she's a handsome woman. Go ahead. Admit it.
Holy crap - that is too fecking hilarious. BRILLIANT.
Oh wait, it is not humor, it is true!
You sir are a genius.
Fine work, Doc.
This was brilliant indeed! Thank you!
Ditto ditto ditto11 Especially dguzman! And you dear Doctor, Bravo!!!
Nice work, as always.
Most excellent. :) That last frame is just priceless! Also, and I swear I'm going to plug it just this once here, I have a new blog! The link to it is in my profile.
Only thing is, Palin is no lady, no matter how much refining (oil pun) she may get. Poor Rex Harrison, to be tainted by this parody.
Well done, Dr. Z!
by GEORGE she's got it?
more of the same, lol
In the last frame, Karl should be saying "should've" or "should have", not "should of". I would expect bad English like that from GW, but not from Karl.
the rain in wasilla falls mainly as acid!
brilliant, tho i would think audrey hepburn is turning in her grave
you are a genius
Simply gorgeous, Dr. Gorgeous.
Having just directed a production of My Fair Lady, I laughed till the tears ran at your brilliant sendup. I trust GBS will not roll over.
Dear blogger,
You should get a medal or be even made a knight!
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Thank you for explaining how she got to be the VP pick. Whew.
Blogger enchanting505 said...
by GEORGE she's got it?
more of the same, lol
D'oh! That's a good one.
Pure brilliance as usual, Dr. Z.
Just you wait, John Mcaiggins,
Just you wait!
You'll be sorry, but your tears
will be too late!!!!!!
Fabulous theatre, Dr. Z!
I made a slide show with your images
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