Exclusive Footage of Sarah Palin's 'Death Panel'
No time for blogging today! I am too busy watching exclusive footage of Sarah Palin's 'Death Panel'. and click here to watch the mainstream media makin' stuff up about her!

Of course, she was for death panels before she was against them...
politico.com: Palin doubles down on 'death panels'
politico.com: Bachmann: 'Don't let them Palinize me!'
Keith Olbermann: Pulling the plug on end-of-life counseling
Crooks & Liars: Obama: Bring Back Arrested Development!
New York Times: False 'Death Panel' Rumor Has Some Familiar Roots
Crooks & Liars: Hardball: Lawrence O'Donnell Exposes Clueless Town Hall Protester
Huffington Post: Whole Foods CEO: "My Alternative To ObamaCare" - Just Eat Whole Foods!
politico.com: Bachmann: 'Don't let them Palinize me!'
Keith Olbermann: Pulling the plug on end-of-life counseling
Crooks & Liars: Obama: Bring Back Arrested Development!
New York Times: False 'Death Panel' Rumor Has Some Familiar Roots
Crooks & Liars: Hardball: Lawrence O'Donnell Exposes Clueless Town Hall Protester
Huffington Post: Whole Foods CEO: "My Alternative To ObamaCare" - Just Eat Whole Foods!
politico.com: Joe the Plumber ... now a Comedian?
You have forever ruined bear rugs for me. Now I wish there was a death panel. Sniff.
I keep waiting for the month when the news is Wurlzebacher free. Obviously, it won't be August now and since he'll be on stage in September, it won't be then either.
All sorrows eventually pass, but DAMN! This one is really taking its own sweet time, isn't it?
I thought death panels were on the Death Shuttle, you know, to keep the Death Shuttle from burning up upon re-entry and such. I could be wrong, I guess.
I've started a little list, you know, just in case...
is this like Death Race 2000?
Randal Graves: What? No death panel? Aw, shoot. :o(
Sunshine: If only Former Governor Palin can send her twittery tweets in time to stop the Evil Obama! ;o)
Matty Boy: I think that Joe the Plumber is destined to outlast Sarah Palin at this point. :o(
Zirgar: Death Shuttle? Cool! I wanna ride in the black box. (It's safer in there, I hear.) ;o)
Tengrain: Making a list, checkin' it twice, going find out who's naughty and nice...
Then I'm gonna send the naughty ones to the death panel! ;o)
Distributorcap: Yes, but it's Death Race 2009! ;o)
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