"Gotta Have My Bowl. Gotta Have Cereal."
No time for blogging today! I am too busy watching this awesome video of Rebecca Black singing the song "Friday"! I am happy to say that the mainstream media has recognized this amazing new talent [ 2, 3 ], and that the vast Youtubular public has seen fit to imitate Rebecca Black's amazing song with video interpretations of their own: [ 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 17 ] (I especially like this one and this one.)

The lyrics are truly inspirational:
"Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today is Friday, Friday
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards..."
So true. So true.
I love the part where Sunday comes after Saturday. I mean, who knew. I always thought Sunday came before Monday.
The command of the obvious exhibited by this performer is insurmountable.
You may have to set your timetable of conquest back a fortnight, Zaius.
I'm a big fan of cereal, too.
Less cereal & I wouldn't be as BIG.
ssshhhshhh.... made me think of Geldorf
... just saying
Darwin's Dagger: You may be right! I think... ;o)
Darkblack: What can I say? Gotta have my bowl. Gotta have cereal. ;o)
Tor Hershman: I like cereal too! As long as there is plenty of sugar. ;o)
OKJimm: Ack! Good one! My first thought was of Blondie. ;o)
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