This is Pissing Me Off More Than Low Fat Sour Cream!

Regarding humans, I would certainly agree that the male of the species is quite stupid...

but there are certain female members of the breed that run a very close second... [ 2 ]
I watched a smaller kid get teased by his bigger buds on the light rail train, and just as he was getting ready to exit, he pantsed the other kids, hopped off, and they were stuck on the train with their baggies around their ankles. They didn't make it off.
It was pretty funny.
Tengrain, that is awesome. I used to think that the youth now a days who show their underwear in public were idiots - and they still ARE idiots - but I now see this demonstration of "fashion" as a clear differentiation between Idiocracy and the rest of humanity. It also helps law enforcement to apprehend the little boy thugs who cannot run quickly with their pants around their knees. So it's all good.
Tengrain: Hee hee! Clearly a fashion mistake. ;o)
JustJoeP: If only the solution to all of society's ill were as simple as bad fashion sense. ;o)
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