Speaker Boehner is Suffering From Gavel Envy

I know that the election has been over since November of last year, but I'm still having trouble accepting John Boehner and his giant comedy gavel as a valid Speaker of the House...

Despite the recent election...

Nancy Pelosi will be remembered as one of the most powerful and effective Speakers in U.S. history...

Whereas Speaker Boehner has already made a name for himself in another category. [ 2 ]
Dr. You and I think alike. I so just stole the Penis Envy picture for my blog.. Hope you don't mind. j
I wonder if history will acknowledge what a fantastic job Nancy has done in this last session of congress. She's made me a believer.
Dr. Z -
What little progress we've had over the past two years is directly credited to Nancy Pelosi getting stuff through The House. Sadly the next stop was Harry Reid's tender embrace, but still!
Nancy rules, Weepy drools.
Part of me thinks the repugs are setting up Weepy to take a fall. I mean the crying, drinking, orange skin, etc. Then I remember Duke Cunningham, Tom Delay, Whateverhisfirstnamewas Nye (the one congressman who got nabbed for Abramoff crap), and I think, nope, they want him as their leader. On purpose.
"I know that the election has been over since November of last year, but I'm still having trouble accepting John Boehner and his giant comedy gavel as a valid Speaker of the House..."
And where were you last March, when Ms. Pelosi was wielding her very own giant comedy gavel?
What was she overcompensating for?
Jay Simser: Steal away! Fee free to use Zaius Nation for your blog! ;o)
Tengrain: Hee hee! "Nancy rules, Weepy drools." I love it. ;o)
GMB: It could be worse. (but not much!) ;o)
Curious Texan: I would respond, but you are merely a sock puppet. :o)
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