Yet Another Candidate Succumbs to the Voice of Corporate America

The presidential candidate iSplotchy has offered himself up on the lobbyist's chopping block. If you are corporate pig-boy lobbyist willing to help a large chunk of cement and pipe sell it's soul for some of the tainted filthy lucre, visit iSplotchy's official point-of-purchase site today and join in with the other Washington lobbyists to destroy the soul of yet another idealistic mineral of the people. There are only 6 shopping days left! The iSplotchy sale proves once again that the road to the White House is paved with corporate greed and self-serving intentions.

Oh, and get your iSplotchy T-Shirt today!
Splotchy has sold his soul!
A sawed off muffler stuck in quik-crete does not have a soul.
'Muricans will fall for anything! I swear.
Stick with the ape and the lez. (And ditch the fez!)-
Germaine, the only candidate you want to see naked.
The iSplotchy may be for sale, but at a price every hard-working American citizen can afford.
The iSplotchy isn't a hoity-toity doctor living in a mansion on a hill somewhere, or some glamorous upper-crust lesbian elitist listening to the decadent stylings of Burt Bacharach in her penthouse apartment.
iSplotchy Is Folks ™.
Dr. Monkerstein: Indeed. Proof positive that he is a legimate politician.
Germaine Gregarious: "Ditch the fez! Stick with the ape and the lez." Hey, that's kind of catchy! Your a poet, Ms. Gregarious. (BTW, my pelt is quite lush and attractive, thank you.)
Splotchy: You mean every hard-working American lobbyist, you corporate pig pipe.
Ouch! Picking on Dr. Monkey was one thing...
But not my Splotchy!!
My Splotchy- love it or leave it.
I've said that before and I will continue to.
They will have to pry that damn iSplotchy out of my cold dead hands.
And those two Bush bee-yotches have never laid a cocaine dusted finger on the iSplotchy.
How you defame. Really Dr.!
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