Rep. Michele Bachmann Explains the Recent Financial Crisis

During a Senate hearing on Thursday, Rep. Michele Bachmann pinned blame for financial crisis on President Clinton, "blacks," and "other minorities." To make her point, she read from an article written by Terry Jones in the right-wing publication Investor's Business Daily. Jones criticized the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and said Clinton was misguided for pushing "homeownership as a way to open the door for blacks and other minorities to enter the middle class."
Ha! So the mortgage meltdown isn't the fault of the sweet, kindly old bankers or those hard working mortgage brokers at all! It is the fault of those negroes. It all makes sense now... Hey, wait a minute - Barack Obama is a negro! (I'm just sayin'...)
The CRA was enacted in the 70's.
I entered c*nt essay contest and when I got to Bachman I could not even come up with a way to rework the c-word into her name, despite her being extremely c*nty.
Sheesh. I hope I have not offended anyone around this high class blog.
And its too late- voting closed for me already, so if I don't get the cupcakes, I blame Michelle Bachman.
And you.
I think that the far-right playbook needs to be updated; the whole "whenever something goes wrong, blame Clinton" tactic becomes pretty silly when Clinton's been out of office for eight years. Sheesh.
And they are so tone deaf.
Traiger & Hinckley LLP Study Shows CRA Banks Were Substantially
Less Likely Than Other Lenders to Make the High Cost Loans That Helped Fuel the Foreclosure Crisis.
(One of these days I'll figure out how to embed links in a comment)
Not that real data can get in the way of Republican racist preconceptions.
Übermilf: Ha! So African American's have been destroying the economy and hurting our sweet, kindly old bankers or those hard working mortgage brokers right under our noses for almost 40 years! :o)
FranIAm: Ha! I love the video for The Great Schlep at that site! Cupcakes? Did you say something about cupcakes?
CDP: I know! They definately need some new material. Even thier policies are recycled!
Utah Savage: What? What? Huh? ;o)
ThoughtCriminal: Ha! Great link! To make a link in HTML, it goes like this: <A HREF="">The Zaius Nation</A> There you go!
blame Clinton" tactic becomes pretty silly when Clinton's been out of office for eight years. Sheesh.
Jimmy Carter and FDR are still being thrown into the mix.
Remember that in wingnut world, if your anus is sore, a democrat is behind it.
So to speak.
Yes! Finally! Definitive evidence that the Republican Party philosophy is racist. If this doesn't kill the non-white vote for Republicans, nothing will! Just wait until it hits the mainstream media!
Okay, I'm waitng...
Still waiting...
Sorry we colored folk are so irresponsible and greedy.
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