Obama Has Been Dupeda By Sanjay Gupta

Although I can grudgingly accept that President-elect Barack Obama has chosen America's second most famous brain surgeon, Sanjay Gupta, for the U.S. surgeon general post, I can only say that the reason that I was not chosen was due purely to political cronyism, partisan politics and abject favoritism. I mean, I have performed far more lobotomies on humans than Dr. Gupta ever has!
Ah, well... At least I can console myself with the knowledge that CNN will most certainly be calling me soon to fill in as Dr. Gupta's replacement as a television correspondent. Hey, maybe I will get to meet Christiane Amanpour!
Ah, well... At least I can console myself with the knowledge that CNN will most certainly be calling me soon to fill in as Dr. Gupta's replacement as a television correspondent. Hey, maybe I will get to meet Christiane Amanpour!
If you do end up replacing Sanjay, can you take a whizz in Blitzer's morning coffee?
"Nice picture Brainguy, now send 'em the crummy movie!"
I can't wait to see you on CNN!
A disgrace! May their acronym now stand for Chimpanzees Nattering Nebulously.
'Hey, maybe I will get to meet Christiane Amanpour'
...And she can sit on your lap in fine sleepwear, feeding you coffee cake whilst discussing Shintoist philosophy.
Sure do hope you get that CNN gig, Doc.
I'd TIVO that!
It might work, as long as you weren't forced to appear as a hologram.
What they said. Especially the part about Christiana--I've had a crush on her for ages. You lucky ape.
And pissing in Blitzer's coffee. Yea, that too.
well that is just the icing on the freaking cake! Obama is NOT progressive when it comes to our health!
Are lobotomies about to be mandatory? If so, I may regret not having John McCain's Cash-in-Advance™ healthcare option.
You know how hard it would be for an ape to be accepted.
You must wait for justice, it is not your time yet!
Randal Graves: I'll do worse that that, I'll kill his lead story!
dguzman: I shall officially put you in charge of Blitzer's coffee. ;o)
Doc: Everyone's a critic. I like those old movies!
Swinebread: Me either! I wanna be part of the CNN Barbeque Forum. Mmm!
darkblack: Hey! Some of my best friends are chimpanzees! Christiane Amanpour can sit on my laps wearing jammies any day, though...
MichaelBains: Thanks, MichaelBains! :o)
pidomon: I would buy TIVO just so I could TIVO myself!
Comrade Kevin: But maybe they have a holodeck...
Utah Savage: I agree! Christiane Amanpour is delicious.
Liberality: Cake? Did you say cake?
Freida of the Bees: Lobotomies are already mandatory, among the Republicans. The democrats have got to catch up! We can't afford to have a lobotomy gap!
FranIAm: **sigh** Thanks for that sentiment, FranIAm.
i was so hoping for you
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