Holly Loves Cha-Ka
Video: Holly and Cha-Ka's first date!
Their first dinner together! Their first kiss!
(Holly wears makeup and everything!)
Their first dinner together! Their first kiss!
(Holly wears makeup and everything!)

UPDATE: Sleestak of "Lady, That's My Skull" has a great take on the new LOTL movie.
I wish the theatrical release would've had the same goofy stop motion dinosaurs and the horribly hirsute costumes for the Paku. I love that show, and I think the film is taking the charm of the series and completely tossing it aside in favor of deliberate, obvious humor and better production values.
I am probably going to disappoint you all, but I have been greatly entertained by Talladega Nights and Step Brothers. I loved Land of the Lost when I was little so I thought this new interpretation would be fun. More fun I hope than Men in Tights.
I want some giant Nerf strawberries, NOW!
Upon watching the reruns on SciFi last week, I gasted my flabber when I saw just how tremendously horrid that show was. Pure genius!
Better than the new movie
Is it strange that I feel the impulse to weep? Cha-Ka's table manners are atrocious but Holly's becoming a woman and I suddenly am struck by the passing of time and my own mortality.
Zirgar: I think that you hit the nail on the head! That would have been a much more interesting way to do the film...
Seeing Eye Chick: It might be great! I just saw the Land of the Lost marathon on The Sci-Fi Channel, and I thought this moment was priceless. I loved Land of the Lost when I was a kid too.
Übermilf: You have to wait until they get the wagon home. I hope Dopey doesn't eat them all!
Randal Graves: As bad as the show was, it is still a lot of fun to watch! I'm not exactly sure why, though...
Darwin's Dagger: Ack! The concept you just described tore a rift in the time-space continuum! ;o)
Sleestak: We'll see. The movie might be good! (But I doubt it.)
Hamed: It does tug at the old heart strings, don't it? ;o)
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