Mae West: 'Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.'

This Mae West moment was brought to you by the good people at the I, Splotchy Adopt-An-Actor campaign. Sign up today!
posted by Dr. Zaius - Permalink 9 humans have the ability to speak!
She was obviously very wise. Sort of the Oracle of Hollywood.
Hubba hubba!
She rivals Yogi Berra, Oscar Wilde, W.C. Fields and Mark Twain for great quotes!
She was really, really awesome. I hope she doesn't kill you with brilliance!
Omnipotent Poobah: It is interesting that she only appeared in something like 13 movies, and yet has made such impact on popular culture. (Of course she was also on stage as well.)
Splotchy: Hey! That's Monkerstein's line!
Johnny Yen: From your list, she is certainly in good company. I agree. She has some of the funniest lines ever.
J.D.: Ouch! I don't think I am dead yet!
I LOVE Mae West. Following some of the terrible Supreme Court decisions recently, I was motivated to put a Mae West quote on my blog. It's the one where a judge asks if she is trying to show contempt for the court, and Mae responds: "No Judge, I'm doing my best to hide it."
Ha! That sounds like that quote would fit the whole administration!
Favorite Mae West story:
Guy approaches her at a party and says, a few sheets to the wind:
"Y'know...I'd like to fuck you."
She looks him up and down and replies:
"If you do...and I find out about it..."
Ha! I guess that she had a snappy comeback for every occasion.
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