The "Straight-Talk Express" has (Insert Phrase Here)

"According to the Center for Responsive Politics, McCain has taken nearly $1.2 million in campaign contributions from the telephone utility and telecom service industries, more than any other Senator. McCain sides with the telecom companies on retroactive immunity."
"McCain is also the single largest recipient of campaign contribution by Ion Media Networks — formerly Paxson Communication — receiving $36,000 from the company and employees from 1997 to mid-year 2006."
"In 2004, as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, McCain reversed a position and took 'crucial legislative action' that saved Paxson Communications from 'financial ruin.' Drew Clark reports:"
"McCain is also the single largest recipient of campaign contribution by Ion Media Networks — formerly Paxson Communication — receiving $36,000 from the company and employees from 1997 to mid-year 2006."
"In 2004, as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, McCain reversed a position and took 'crucial legislative action' that saved Paxson Communications from 'financial ruin.' Drew Clark reports:"
McCain initially supported legislation that would have forced Paxson and handful of broadcasters — but not the great bulk of television stations — off the air by December 31, 2006. Bud Paxson himself personally testified about this bill with "fear and trepidation" at a hearing on September 8, 2004.
Two weeks later, McCain had reversed himself. He now supported legislation that would grant two-year reprieve for Paxson — and instead force all broadcasters to stop transmitting analog television by December 31, 2008. Paxson and his lobbyists, including Iseman, were working at this time for just such a change.
Two weeks later, McCain had reversed himself. He now supported legislation that would grant two-year reprieve for Paxson — and instead force all broadcasters to stop transmitting analog television by December 31, 2008. Paxson and his lobbyists, including Iseman, were working at this time for just such a change.
"Vicki Iseman has represented Paxson since 1998, longer than any of her other clients. The Washington Post reports that Iseman’s clients have given nearly $85,000 to McCain campaigns since 2000, according to records at the Federal Election Commission."
"UPDATE: Huffington Post reported recently:"
"UPDATE: Huffington Post reported recently:"
All told, McCain has received more than $400,000 from lobbying firms, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. And among his major fundraisers ("bundlers") 59 have been identified as lobbyists by the non-profit organization Public Citizen.
Via Think Progress
My friends, this guy is a crook, my friends.
I wish you would do this ('cause I'm too lazy) to compare Obama and Clinton also. (Alright, I'll have to look it up- Sicko has me thinking Obama's the guy, but I know he's not totally clean either.)
Really, this is one of the major reasons I was in favor of Kucinich. These "reasons behind the legislators' votes" are what seem to be driving them.
WIth three primary candidates in the ring, the least corrupt is who I'll likely vote for. (Wait- Is that Huckabee? Is this why people voted for George Bush, because he seemed the least Washington?)
Even if Huckabee was the least 'corrupt' - let us forget the whole sordid Wayne Dumond episode for the sake of argument - that man loves him some Jesus more than your alter-ego, and not the good kind of Jesus, the one that distributes candy to the kids and porn to the adults.
As for McCain's wife, she really does look like the female version of the cryptkeeper in that shot, boys and ghouls.
The "Straight-Talk Express" has "Pillow-talk" Rhythm Baby!
And we are surprised because?
I hate politicians.
If the McGeezer could even get it up, no doubt he and not-Cindy would've been doin' it with millions of dollars in cash all over the bed, and rubbing their hideous bodies on all that money.
The "Straight-Talk Express" has "Pillow-talk" Rhythm Baby!
Haven't you heard? It's been renamed the "Straight-Talk Shagedellic Love Van."
Complete with carpeted walls.
Are you trying to swift-boat McCain?
Great pic!
Swinebread, in order to swift-boat someone, the charge can't be true! ;-)
Seriously, I don't care about the affair angle, really, and I wish that wasn't the lede. The lobbyist quid pro quo when McCain was head of the Commerce Commission is far more important, IMO. Howard Dean just made that point in an interview, which I think is savvy.
Dr. Z, your photo is excellent!!
Great photo - Straight talk right into the bedroom!
Pissed Off Patricia: Ha! What a great impersonation of McCain!
Freida Bee: "Clean?" You were in favor of Kucinich because he was "clean?" Obama is the "least corrupt?" I am not sure that I can respond to that in full measure without a better understanding of what you mean. You should vote with your underpants for maximum satisfaction!
Randal Graves: CIndy McCain has clearly had a recent facelift. You can now bounce a quarter off of her jowls!
MichaelBains: "Give my company retroactive immunity, soldier boy! Me lobby you long time!"
Anna: They are at least good for making jokes about.
Dguzman: Eeek! What an unpleasant image. You just scared the crap out of me!
Dean Wormer: Ha! The "Straight-Talk bribe-adellic Love Van."
Swinebread: Why would you need to? Finding McCain's faults are like shooting fish in a barrel.
Batocchio: I agree, the MSM is focusing on the wrong part of tha article. I actually hope he got laid, for all of the grief this is going to cause him.
Angry Ballerina: You always say the nicest things!
BAC: Thanks, BAC!
FranIAm: McCain: He puts the STRAIGHT in "straight talk", baby!
Pissed Off Patricia: Ha! What a great impersonation of McCain!
Freida Bee: "Clean?" You were in favor of Kucinich because he was "clean?" Obama is the "least corrupt?" I am not sure that I can respond to that in full measure without a better understanding of what you mean. You should vote with your underpants for maximum satisfaction!
Randal Graves: CIndy McCain has clearly had a recent facelift. You can now bounce a quarter off of her jowls!
MichaelBains: "Give my company retroactive immunity, soldier boy! Me lobby you long time!"
Anna: They are at least good for making jokes about.
Dguzman: Eeek! What an unpleasant image. You just scared the crap out of me!
Dean Wormer: Ha! The "Straight-Talk bribe-adellic Love Van."
Swinebread: Why would you need to? Finding McCain's faults are like shooting fish in a barrel.
Batocchio: I agree, the MSM is focusing on the wrong part of tha article. I actually hope he got laid, for all of the grief this is going to cause him.
Angry Ballerina: You always say the nicest things!
BAC: Thanks, BAC!
FranIAm: McCain: He puts the STRAIGHT in "straight talk", baby!
Mr. Ethics reformer indeed.
Suppose it depends on how you define ethics.
Ah, I was Joking about the whole swift-boat thing!
The "Straight-Talk Express" has (pinched off a big oaty lobby loaf in its own pants and the media is scrambling to refill its dreamilicious gravy boat with what special sauce hasn't been spilled down the candidate's lobster bib)
Golly, was I thinking out loud?
"Bomb, Bomb, Bomb...
Bomb, Bomb, K-streeeet..."
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