"Hitler gave great speeches too" T-Shirts

I was a bit surprised to find that T-Shirts with the phrase, "Hitler gave great speeches too" were selling well at gun shows and other venues. I guess that Democrats should be flattered, as this would put President Obama in the same league as other great orators, such as Abraham Lincoln, Sir Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, William Jenning Bryan, Marcus Tullius Cicero, and Plato.

Upon reflection, I decided that an equally flattering comparison could be made about the former President Bush...

But I decided that this was probably far more appropriate.
Nicely done, Dr. Z.
I always thought that the "Sermon on the Mount" was a great speech. Might have been the basis for a great religion if Paul's marketing department had not messed it up.
I'm stealing that. Can I steal that? I mean, if I ask first?
It does make such a nice rebuttal.
Some Guy: Thanks, Some Guy!
Darius Whiteplume: I know! And they are so darned smug about it, too. **grr**
ThoughtCriminal: The PR guys are always the weakest link... ;o)
Comrade Kevin: Ack! You spoke French!
duros62: Of course! All my stuff is steal-able. Please, help yourself!
It is amazing really. They aren't even joking. Yes yes, one sentence is "Obama is like Hitler" and then they go on to say what a commie, lefty, ultra-liberal Socialist he is. Amazing
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