Don't Go Visit Blue Gal's Blog!

Whatever you do, don't go visit Blue Gal's blog, because she has a yearbook photo of me that I find quite embarassing.
posted by Dr. Zaius - Permalink 6 humans have the ability to speak!
Wow that's even better than the one I did! (I'm in the middle of the first set with the Toni do) Beehive or flip? The conundrum never ends...
Thanks honey.
Gosh, you looked so old for highschool.
Dr Z your face looks much better post-puberty when your facial hair came in.
Our first (rare) glimpse of Dr Z's pupils ..?
Haha! And here I was.. all excited to see the REAL you. ;P
Good stuff. Very funny. (and cute!)
Fran Langum/Blue Gal: Your high school photo pictures are awesome! :o)
Mistress Quickly: It's the effects of time travel. ;o)
Teresita: Indeed! It helped a lot when the acne cleared up as well. ;o)
Dusty Crickets: Ah, I have shown my eyes before. I can't find the link though... :o(
Sunshine: Thanks, Laura! :o)
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