Minister of Science and Chief Protector of the Faith

Friday, August 25, 2006

Coulter: "Osama as irrelevant as Mel Gibson!"

Swimming to AfghanistanIn an exchange between Ann Coulter and Kirsten Powers on Fox News' Hannity & Colmes program, Coulter states that Osama Bin Laden is as washed up as Mel Gibson. Specifically she states:

Coulter: But as for catching Osama, um, it's irrelevant. Things are going swimmingly in Afghanistan. I mean - it's - he's like a fading movie star now.

Powers: Things in Afghanistan are going horribly but this is interesting, Osama Bin Laden is irrelevant! The person that was the mastermind behind the Al Quida attacks is completely irrelevant. Is that what you are saying?

Coulter: it was handed to Bill Clinton twice.

Powers: Oh, it's Bill Clinton's fault!

Coulter: No - No, it's irrelevant!
After A Few Tough Questions, Ann Coulter Walks Off Hannity & Colmes
News Hounds: "Powers confronted Coulter on those accusations, starting with questions about why the Bush Administration hasn’t caught Osama bin Laden. Coulter was obviously flummoxed and gave the ridiculous answer that the war in Afghanistan is going so swimmingly that bin Laden has become irrelevant."

Faced With Reality, Coulter Walks "When conservative hate mistress Ann Coulter told two Democratic strategists on Fox News that Afghanistan was 'going swimmingly,' they went to town on her, and Coulter cut her interview short."

Ann Coulter gets her freak on
Crooks and Liars: Kirsten Powers actually responds to Coulter’s ridiculous line that Afghanistan is going swimmingly and brings up the fact that Osama is still alive and well. Coulter then plays her usual Clinton card and freaks. "Sean, help me–Sean, where are you?"

Coulter: Bin Laden Is ‘Irrelevant,’ ‘Things Are Going Swimmingly In Afghanistan’
Think Progress: "Coulter responded, 'As for catching Osama, it's irrelevant. Things are going swimmingly in Afghanistan.' Powers blasted Coulter for her answer. Coulter then abruptly decided to end her participation in the middle of the segment, saying, 'OK, well, good night! It was nice being here.'"

But the winner is the people who run the children's area of the San Francisco Zoo. They have named this American Cream draft horse 'Coulter.' This assumes some kind of resemblance between the horse and Coultergeist -- Ann Coulter. Look, it is a bloody time in American politics, no holds barred. But this crosses the line, to abuse Coulter this way. This is slander and it is godless, and, yes, maybe it even is treason. How dare you people insult -- that poor horse? The management of the children's area at the San Francisco Zoo, today's 'Worst Persons in the World.'

Keith Olbermann: "But the winner is the people who run the children's area of the San Francisco Zoo. They have named this American Cream draft horse 'Coulter.' This assumes some kind of resemblance between the horse and Coultergeist -- Ann Coulter. Look, it is a bloody time in American politics, no holds barred. But this crosses the line, to abuse Coulter this way. This is slander and it is godless, and, yes, maybe it even is treason. How dare you people insult -- that poor horse? The management of the children's area at the San Francisco Zoo, today's 'Worst Persons in the World.'" Media Mattters
Ann Coulter - Man About Town
Children's Zoo Horsey Wants Liberal Media Traitors Executed by Firing Squad?
Mystery Solved: Horse at SF Zoo Not Named After Ann Coulter
Mailander: "Glenn Close, Ann Coulter, there's almost no difference"
Fox News Gives Ann Coulter a Weekly Segment on its "Business News" Program
Hot Talk with Melanie Morgan
(Most GOP not man enough to carry the load like her and Coulter)
Wonkette: Commie Libs Finally Go Too Far
Coulter: "liberalism stands for 'sucking the brains out of little babies'"

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