Study: 2 Years Of Lies Led To Iraq War

A new study by the Center for Public Integrity and the Fund for Independence in Journalism found that the Bush administration issued 935 false statements about the threat from Iraq in the two years following 9/11. President Bush "led with 259 false statements, 231 about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq." Think Progress

WASHINGTON (AP) A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations found that President Bush and top administration officials issued hundreds of false statements about the national security threat from Iraq in the two years following the 2001 terrorist attacks.
The study concluded that the statements "were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses." The study was posted Tuesday on the Web site of the Center for Public Integrity, which worked with the Fund for Independence in Journalism. KDKA2
The study concluded that the statements "were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses." The study was posted Tuesday on the Web site of the Center for Public Integrity, which worked with the Fund for Independence in Journalism. KDKA2

Amazing, isn't it? Bill Clinton lied one time and was impeached. Bush has lied 259 times, and he's still in the White House. What a country!!
Now W ain't all bad. He has said that when he thinks of the lose of life in Iraq, he cries like Hilary Clinton bewailing the descent of politics into a game ( She only just noticed?? I'd have described it as more of a spectator sport. Yet with a writer's strike ongoing, and the sudden boom in reality TV,THERE MAY BE HOPE FOR DEMOCRACY YET!). He also said that when sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom, he has been visited by ghosts. (Though Big Goerge sees dead people, I doubt any of them are ones he personally is responsible for killing) Now that guy is gonna have to stop falling asleep listening to Coasttocoast AM (either that or lay off the bottle). I now personally how that can mess with your head!
But Dr. Zaius, he didn't lie. He just "misspoke" (259 times). If you don't know the difference, ask Bill O'Reilly.
Batman hates liars.
I remember when someone pointed out to Bushie that since Saddam didn't have WMD we went to war under false pretenses.
Bush's response was 'no we didn't. Saddam didn't comply with our demands to disarm'.
Seriously, could Joseph Heller have come up with such a huge farce?
At least he lied about something good. Mmmmmm....yellow cake.
Lying or attempting to shape reality with his words?
Sure it hasn't worked the 1,000 or so times so far, but you never know when amazing reality shaping powers might kick in!
Yeah, but George Soros funded that study so, well... you're all a bunch of Bush-hating poopy heads.
Geez, all you clowns get your collective panties in a wad over this? Why, I issued 935 false statements just last night to my wife. No dear, really, I had to work overtime, I swear!
it's only a "lie" if you get caught. until then, it's an "excuse", right?
and you don't "get caught" just because some "liberal website" says you did. as long as the government employs spin-meisters, the Preznut's word is as good as gold.
in related news, however, the current Preznut is a fucking liar.
I like the histogram that splits up his false statements by the month. Maybe by analyzing his lying patterns, we can determine whether what he is currently saying is the truth or not. It looks to me like an upward trend is imminent.
Some Republicans may make the argument that they make for these trends in global warming, that it is due to solar flares.
Changing diplomatic times call for changing patterns in truthifying.
He wasn't prevaricating by any stretch of the mind. He just has a differing way of factifying.
Comrade Kevin, I think you could get a job with the Bush administration. You're good at that and with your degree in History, the potential for broader applications of said gift are akin to Feb. '05, relatively speaking.
Wow CK - you made my head hurt!
My dad loves to lord that one over his liberal daughters... "Clinton LIED. He PERJURED himself. That's why he was impeached."
king baby is right!
bush lied.... and i didnt know....
BAC: Actually, it's important to remember that Clinton was not impeached. The impeachment was voted yes by the house, and no by the senate. "On February 12, 1999, the Senate concluded a 21-day trial with the vote on both counts falling short of the Constitutional requirement of a two-thirds majority to convict and remove an office holder." [ wikipedia ] And the Republicans had a great majority in the house and the senate than the Democrats do now. That is one of the reasons why Pelosi and Reid are dubious about impeaching Bush.
AgentOrange: Jeepers! Ghosts in the Lincoln bedroom? I hope they are friendly ghosts, like Casper.
Chris: Ha! Indeed. Bush has "misspoken" us into a war.
Übermilf: So does Batgirl! I have watched the three Batman videos on your blog. Cool!
Jess Wundrun: Joseph Heller's version would have been a lot funnier and easiser to believe.
CTK: Ha! Good one! I love cake!
MWB's World: Yipes! Bush has accessed the "Lathe of Heaven!"
Dean Wormer: Damn George Soros and his robot army!
Randal Graves: That's different. You are about to get impeached.
commander other: Ha! There is no "excuse" for this administration, im opinion!
Freida Bee: It is easy to tell if the president is making false statements. His lips are moving. I think solar flares follow an 11-year cycle, so maybe Bush's lying cycle will end after he is out of office.
Comrade Kevin: Ha! That's the funniest thing that I have heard in a long time!
Freida Bee: Comrade Kevin for White House dog catcher!
AgentOrange: It was really funny!
kimono hime: Tell your dad that Clinton was not impeached. The impeachment was voted yes by the house, and no by the senate. "On February 12, 1999, the Senate concluded a 21-day trial with the vote on both counts falling short of the Constitutional requirement of a two-thirds majority to convict and remove an office holder." [ wikipedia ] And the Republicans had a great majority in the house and the senate than the Democrats do now. That is one of the reasons why Pelosi and Reid are dubious about impeaching Bush.
Liberality: What time is it? Time for more tax cuts!
Distributorcap: hmm... so sorry to break it to you.
Hmm... personally, I blame Necco Wafers.
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