The Wingnut Factory is Under New Management...

I thought of something yesterday while I watching the news. Now that John McCain is the Republican presidential candidate, he is in charge of the whole Republican party - The same party that tried to crush his campaign and said that they didn't like him very much in no uncertain terms. I wonder what's going on behind closed doors at the wingnut factory these days...
Not only seconds after you post sir! I a good human!
They're all other Boleyn girls now.
Nice pic. Not only is he head of the Republican party but he's also the home of the whopper.
Romius T.: Hey! That's great. You're new to me, I think. I'll have to check out your blog!
Randal Graves: Yes, but they believe in Caveman Jesus, so it's OK.
Dean Wormer: Ha! I should have woked that in.
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