Happy Blogroll Amnesty Day!

Happy Blogroll Amnesty Day! I first learned about this blogosphere holiday through the blog of the fabulous Blue Gal. You can read the frightening details of this event at the fantastic blog of the holiday's creator, Jon Swift, and also at the blog of the other leading event co-conspirator, the equally awesome Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.
Blue Gal suggests that we should post the link to a few of our favorite blogs, and post them so that others can read about them, become aware of them - and finally blogroll these newer and most recently discovered blogs.
Based on Blue Gal's expressed wishes, I have thus gone through a lengthy winnowing process of my own blogroll to find the very best blogs, and I present the following blogs for your consideration as part of the Blogroll Amnesty celebrations.
Blue Gal suggests that we should post the link to a few of our favorite blogs, and post them so that others can read about them, become aware of them - and finally blogroll these newer and most recently discovered blogs.
Based on Blue Gal's expressed wishes, I have thus gone through a lengthy winnowing process of my own blogroll to find the very best blogs, and I present the following blogs for your consideration as part of the Blogroll Amnesty celebrations.
Also, after the coming Apeocolypse, I pledge to spare these humans (or at least most of them) for scientific experiments. (Probably.)
Great idea. Thanks for posting it...plus I got some new reading material out of it. Cheers.
That is quite a list, and thanks for the plug :-)
Look at all those communists!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And Thank you.
I'm honored and pleased to be on the list!
Can I give you the names of a few more CEOs for you and Germain to "entertain"?
I'm totally stealing this from you ... thanks!
Thank you for the link, doctor. I have moved on to WordPress, and here is a direct link:
Thanks for the linky-love you hairy ape you.
Hey, Dr. Z, thanks for including my humble blog. I've been slacking on the posts lately, what with work and life and all.
You're too much. In a very good way. Thanks, Z!
*chokes up*
thank you, sir :-)
Thanks for adding mocksure to the list :)
I just noticed you following me. I love you, too.
I don't mind scientific experiments that much. Sign me up for "brain in a jar with experimental psychotropics," please.
Sunandheir: Cheers, Sunandheir! My pleasure. :o)
Darius Whiteplume: There are so many great blogs, I don't know where to start!
Randal Graves: Makes ya proud, don't it? ;o)
Lisa: You're welcomex4! Jeepers, you sure have a lot of blogs to keep up with! :o)
Tengrain: Indeed! We are always happy to entertain any CEO worthy of Ms. Gregarious' 'special' cocktails.
BAC: Stealing? Hardly! Borrowed, more like. :o)
The Local Crank: Ack! I thought I fixed that! Well, it's fixed now. Sorry! :o)
Liberality: Gosh and golly! :o)
starshiptim: Tell me about it! I can't find time to blog either, what with having to bury all of the CEO's in the backyard and all. ;o)
Fran: Yay! Thanks, Fran! :o)
darkblack: I know what you mean. You should have seen the bartender's face when I tried to order chocolate milk!
TF: Ack! Don't choke! Did you eat a pretzel?
GETkristiLOVE: Jeepers! **blush** :o)
Jang-chub Ozer: I love your blog! I may start to blog about celebrities too! :o)
ERR: Indeed! I shall pick out an extra roomy jar, just for you!
thanks for the linky! I hope I am in the "most of them" party when your rule begins
It's not just gossip - celebrity is a cultural phenomenon, and a reflection of our society - sadly.
So glad to make the cut.
Thanks, Dr. Zaius, I wasn't quite ready to become fodder for your experiments just yet. Maybe next year you can perform a lobotomy upon me.
Wow! I'm quite honored to be on that tiny list! ; )
Thank you Dr. Z for including my blog The Oxpecker File for your blogroll Amnesty Day. You rule the Funny Quadrant of the Blogosphere!,
I have changed the name From Oxpecker File to The Funhouse.
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