Novak: "In Heaven There are No Blogs"

Waxing philosophically about the afterlife, previous Doody-Head Award winner and all-around douchebag Robert Novak was quoted at an American Spectator breakfast Thursday as saying, "I’m 76 years old, and pretty soon I’m going to a place where there are no blogs."
Speaking of the president on the same subject, Novak said, "All presidents look better after they’re dead, and George W. Bush can count on that.", via Think Progress
Speaking of the president on the same subject, Novak said, "All presidents look better after they’re dead, and George W. Bush can count on that.", via Think Progress
Pretty soon he's going to a place where there are no clouds, no water, and where his skin will burn for eternity. Just saying.
Oh yes, Mr. Novak, there are blogs... in Hell!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Blue Gal: " clouds, no water, and where his skin will burn for eternity."
Is he going to Iraq? Or...
J.D.: Oh well, the don't call him the "Prince of Darkess" for nothing!
I certainly agree with him about Bush. Just sayin'.
All of the above ...
I agree with BAC!
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