Robert Novak Wants Bloggers to Stop Bloviating

This week's coveted Doody-Head Award goes to Robert Novak, who said this of bloggers: "They bloviate. They give their opinions. They don’t try to find things out." The New York Sun, via Think Progress

Even previous Doody-Head Award winner Richard Schickel was flabbergasted That Robert Novak was able to use the word "bloviate" to describe someone other than himself and was still able to keep a straight face.
How dare we h ave opinions? How dare we not listen to them? We bloggers shoudl be ashamed! Ashamed I tells ya!
Yeah, I just have a bookmark folder labeled "Reference/Research" that's three screens long in order to better impress my kitties.
What!? They're intellectual cats!
Dr. Monkerstein: Well, perhaps some of us should be more ashamed than others! (Me falling into the especially ashamed category, of course.)
Tengrain: Robert Novak is such a douchebag.
Phydeaux Speaks: What a coincidence - I have intellectual cats too!
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...
Douchebags everywhere demand an apology, Dr. Z.
In psycho babble it is called "projection".
Hey, you put his brains on the outside of his head....
Tengrain: True. I am being overwhelmingly insulting to Douchebags everywhere. It is just difficult to find words when talking about the "Prince of Darkness".
Liberality: Yes! An I would like to "project" him somewhere else. Somewhere far away and unpleasant.
Kelly the dog: Ha! Best comment of the week!
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