Talk of the Teen
"Talk of the Teen: All Sex Issue", via Sleestak at Lady, That's My Skull.
"Talk of the Teen: Don't bogart that uterus, babe", via Sleestak at Lady, That's My Skull.
posted by Dr. Zaius - Permalink 5 humans have the ability to speak!
Hmm, let's try. "I'm suffering from shorts because someone stole my salvage, er, booth - boulevard cowboys don't use purses! - and I really wanted a moo with goo."
That's fucked up shiznit, Daddy-O.
I wonder what happened during Snoony's adventure with applesauce. That Littul scamp!
Sorry that this is off topic, but did anybody notice that the Omnipotent Poobah site is suspended?
I have sweat out the sugar report, too, but it usually involved a little stick that I had peed on.
I am very offended right now.
I'm gonna go take an easel smoothie.
Randal Graves: OK, I'll bite. Who the heck is Snoony, and what the heck is he doing with the fricken' applesauce?
Kelly the dog: Ack! That's the second blogger to go missing today! Good work, Kelly!
Jess Wundrun: I'm am so not gonna ask if it turned blue!
J.D.: Ack! I have no idea what you ae taking about!
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